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Teacher Mom Self Care Coach Melissa Creighton

My Story

     Hello! My name is  Melissa Creighton and I am a certified teacher, life coach and nutrition coach. I have always been motivated to guide and help others gain success in their life endeavors. Growing up, I was always the school teacher, organizer, facilitator of play and second mother. You can ask anyone, including my sister Heather, who says she could always rely on me to guide her in life choices, maintain structure and continuity in her life. 

     As an educator for over the past 24 years, I have enhanced many young lives. I continue to educate young people everyday, and now as a certified life coach I get the opportunity to not only help my students on a deeper level, but now I work with my fellow educators and moms like me.  

     Being a wife, mother, and teacher keeps me very busy! Over the past 20 years I have learned that it is very easy to put myself last.  This led me to burnout in all aspects of my life. It took several  years to learn how to make the necessary changes for me to show up not only physically, but mentally and emotionally for my family and students.  One of my favorite changes I love is going out in nature for walks to take photos and catch up with friends. My newest adventure is paddle boarding and kayaking.

     Teacher and mom burnout is REAL! You do not have to live feeling life you are not enough. I am a life long learner that continues to grow and better my life, as well as, help others stop wishing for a better life and start living the their best life. Let's chat and let me work with you to start making the changes you want in your life.

Disclaimer: I am not a therapist, psychotherapist, psychologist, or counselor. I am not qualified to help with severe mental health issues. If you are seeking therapy you can search for a therapist at or through a local search in your area. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please call 988 or The National Suicide Line 800-273-8255. 

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